Melissa Bakes

Melissa Bakes

Melissa Bakes BRAND DESIGN CLIENT: Melissa Bakes Melissa Bakes is in it’s infancy, but has big potential by providing  boxed backed good treats via ala carte order each week. We provided three concepts to the client, for there worked with client to refine. This...
SeedYoga Brand

SeedYoga Brand

SeedYoga Brand BRAND DESIGN CLIENT: SeedYoga DesignLBS worked with SeedYoga to create a brand that spoke to their audience and captured the instructor’s vibe. SeedYoga is a non-profit organization that provides free yoga to school students, caregivers in needs...
ProComSol Brand Refresh

ProComSol Brand Refresh

ProComSol Brand Refresh BRAND DESIGN CLIENT: ProComSol DesignLBS gave ProComSol a brand refresh and new graphics for their toolkit. We revised the logo, added a product logo and designed a suite of graphics to be used in different capacities by the client. We also...
OCTC Brand

OCTC Brand

OCTC Brand BRAND DESIGN CLIENT: Ohio Clinical Trials Collaborative The Ohio Clinical Trials Collaborative team came to Design LBS the week they started the venture. We started with the logo, once that was completed a brand look was created. For that came all of the...