by Lori Scheid | Dec 21, 2023
Bags & Bourbon BRAND DESIGN CLIENT: Bags & Bourbon Event of College Now Hands down our favorite event branding project! This event was first introduced to us as the Bag lady event, but in 2022 we were asked o do a rebrand to widen the audience to include...
by Lori Scheid | Dec 21, 2023
College Now Annual Report 2023 PUBLICATION DESIGN CLIENT: College Now Greater Cleveland DesignLBS presented three concepts based on different titles to the client, the winning design was “Education is for Everyone”. Large inmagery used in the brand mortar...
by Lori Scheid | Dec 21, 2023
College Now Annual Report 2022 PUBLICATION DESIGN CLIENT: College Now Greater Cleveland Another year honored to design the College Now 2022 annual report around the concept of “Re” words. It speaks to all the things they are as a community and provider...
by Lori Scheid | Mar 30, 2023
Karen Bush Functional Medicine Health Coach WEBSITE DESIGN CLIENT: Karen Bush Functional Medicine Health Coach WEBSITE: The challenge was to provide a podcast page in gallery view, not blog style. We jumped from there using an existing logo to create a...
by Lori Scheid | Mar 29, 2023
Melissa Bakes BRAND DESIGN CLIENT: Melissa Bakes Melissa Bakes is in it’s infancy, but has big potential by providing boxed backed good treats via ala carte order each week. We provided three concepts to the client, for there worked with client to refine. This...